What is the output of following code and Why ?public class TestString { public static void main(String[] args) { String str1 = "Hello"; String str2 = new String("Hello"); System.out.println(str1.hashCode()...
Java String Interview Questions - 1
What is the output of following Java code:public class TestString { public static void main(String[] args) { String str1 = "Hello"; String str2 = new String("Hello"); System.out.print(str2...
Grep command and interesting things you can do with it
Unix Commands
- on 10:49 PM

What is Grep ?grep is a command line utility for searching plain text data sets for lines that match a regular expression. grep was developed originally for Unix operating system but later was available for all Unix like operating systems. grep...
How to get current date time with Java 8
Java 8
- on 10:48 PM

In this quick tutorial, we will see, how to get current date time using Java 8.Java 8 had come up with new set of classes for date and time under java.time package, which are :- java.time.Instant- java.time.ZonedDateTime- java.time.OffSetDateTime-...
Static Nested Classes Java
- on 10:56 PM

In Java, it is possible to define a class within another class. Class defined within another Class is called a Nested Class.Nested class is treated as a member of the Outer class because it is also defined within the Outer class like its other members(variables...
Builder Design Pattern
Builder Design Pattern Java
- on 8:06 AM

Hello Friends,
In this tutorial, we will discuss Builder design pattern. Key topics we are going to discuss are :
- Which category Builder Design Pattern falls in ?
- What problem builder Pattern is solving or when to use Builder pattern?
- Builder...
How to install Apache Web Server on EC2 Instance using User data script
Apache Web Server,
- on 3:27 PM
Hello Friends,
In this tutorial, we will see how we can install Apache Web Server on EC2 instance using user data script.
How to Install Maria DB, create Database and Execute Queries
Maria DB
- on 9:45 PM

Hello Friends,
In this tutorial,we will see :
1. How to Install Maria DB
2. How to connect to Maria DB,Create Database and Execute Queries
What is @Qualifier annotation in Spring and why it is used
Spring boot
- on 11:37 PM

In this tutorial, we will explore the @Qualifier annotation of Spring framework.
1. What does @Qualifier annotation do
2. @Qualifier examples